Jan 15, 2014


usually, at any point in my life, i have a style.
right now, it's silhouettes of cartoon-style birds, flowers, leaves, etc. i ordered new stationery with simple flower designs on it. i doodle little flower designs on my papers. i set a new background to this blog. my computer wallpaper is a flower pattern, and i'm going to make bird labels for organized drawers.
the design makes me happy. it's simple, bright, and makes me feel relaxed.
do you have a special style?

little bluebird

my favorite animal is a bluebird.
it's not a bird i'm around much. most people would think my favorite animal would be a rat, or an owl, or a snake. but i like the little bluebird, who is cheerful. and i feel cheerful, too.

Jan 1, 2014

happy new year people!!!

ok. one...two...three...
happy new year!!!!!!
*gasping for breath*
ok, finished. welcome 2014! so many awesome things are going to happen:
-i'm going to turn 11
-i'm going to start watching the 11th doctor (from doctor who, of course)
-i'm going to do awesome stuff like i always do, being 3,010 years old (oh, i forgot that detail? so what.)
-the dalekalypse will happen, which means a bunch of cybermen will come out of the earth preceded by four daleks (sometimes called the cult of skaro or the four unicorns of the apocalype). wait. i'm getting off track, aren't i?
have a fantastic upgrade to the new year! 
fun fact: say that last sentence with a british accent and you sound just like the ninth doctor! or not! who cares! allons-y!