Apr 27, 2013

hi from virginia!

hi! this is my first post in virginia. i'm unpacking our stuff. if you want a full account of my trip, i'll post it up later. here we are, in our tiny town, in a quiet happy community. and i'm finally getting to settle.
~ di

Apr 5, 2013


i am learning how to yo-yo!
at first the yo-yo spun around and didn't even come back up, but with practice, i finally got it.
here's some tips:
1. find a yo-yo with a comfortable grip, a large body, and a long string -  small, cheap ones are awful.
2. get used to winding up the string - most of your practice will be taken up by this.
3. be patient.
this will help just about anyone. once you get it, it's easy!
~ di
p. s. write a comment telling me that you can yo-yo and i'll give you a yo-yo certificate of achievement!

Apr 3, 2013


i think all cuteness lovers will go nuts over this website:
the daily cuteness
i was looking for cute pictures for a cuteness post, and i found the website. it's just so adorable!
~ di


we are moving.
i'm packing boxes, at least five boxes a day. boxes filled with books, papers, toys, blankets, dishes, games, stuffed animals, silverware, bits of junk that i simply can't part with.
we are moving.
our house seems so boring now, without the books and toys. plus we have limited computer time. i don't blog as much.
we are moving to virginia, all the way across the country. we will pack into a minivan, with our fish and rabbit and various pieces of luggage, and drive to the grand canyon. yosemite. hot springs. ancient rune stones.
we are moving.
~ di

Apr 1, 2013

april fools!

april fools!
it's april fools' day today, and i'm hosting a fun contest.
post in the comments the wackiest, most ridiculous, most well-thought-out pranks you've played today. in return, you'll get a big chunk of chocolate (ha! got ya! april fools!) a blog post on di's lucky button in your honor. (plus, if you put in a link to your blog in your comment, i'll include it in the post!)
the rules: the prank must have been played on someone. the prank must have been played on april fools' day, not on any day. plus, the prank should be funny.
this page has some useful info on april fools' day.
have fun!
~ di
april fools!