Jun 24, 2013


today's post is about rats.
in 2 months, i'm getting a pair of sister rats. i'm hoping for dumbo - they're so adorable! i will name them shelby and mimi. we've got a cage picked out, and the two months will be so the breeder can breed and wean them.
i can train them to do all sorts of tricks. apparently i can train them to come when i call, hop onto my shoulder or into my pocket when i make a signal, and dance and march. 
rats are attratctive, so if you ratify rats, post a comment!

Jun 7, 2013

new york!

this weekend, my family and i will go on a trip to new york. why? because there is a wedding! many of my family members will be there. i am giving them a box of lucky buttons and a box of button pushpins. when we return, i'll post pictures! congratulations to kiki & doug on their marriage.
~ di